Our support products are included in the following programmes:

  • SupportModeler programme for 3D modelling of hangers supplied by Pelican Forge, which is owned by Intergraph Corporation.
  • Caesar II stress analysis programme produced by COADE. PSG’s variable effort support data is included in Caesar II Version 5.00 under ‘Pipe Supports’, and will also be in the new Version 5.20 when this is released. In Caesar II Versions 4.50 and earlier, PSG’s supports are listed under the name ‘Comet’ (this used to be PSG’s brand name). To find out more about Caesar II please click here.
  • Autopipe 3D piping analysis programme, supplied by Rebis.
  • Triflex piping analysis software supplied by Software Solutions.
  • Logisterion P10 piping analysis software.