Constant Effort Supports
Constant Effort Supports are used to support pipework or equipment with an essentially constant supporting effort during what may be large vertical movement. Where the change in supporting effort which occurs when using variable effort supports is unacceptable, or where the amount of travel provided by variable effort supports is insufficient, constant effort supports should be specified.
High-temperature steam lines in power stations and flow lines on oil production platforms are examples of situations where large relative movement between piping and the supporting structure make the use of Constant Effort Supports essential.
To view the Catalogue pages for Constant Effort Supports please select Metric or Imperial version.
Horizontal base-mounted (HBM)
Horizontal base-mounted compression seat (HBMCS)
Horizontal type – double point suspension (HD)
Horizontal type – single point suspension (HS)
Vertical base-mounted (VBM)
Vertical base-mounted compression seat (VBMCS)
Vertical inverted base mounted (VIBM)
Vertical inverted type – double point suspension (VID)
Vertical inverted type – single point suspension (VIS)
Vertical type – double point suspension (VD)
Vertical type – single point suspension (VS)